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BayWISS-Kolleg Economics and Business www.baywiss.de

Projekte im Kolleg Economics and Business

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Applications of UX Research Methods in Marketing

User experience (UX) refers to the emotional, aesthetic, and functional experience of a product or service as perceived by the user (Pettersson et al., 2018).

Users react to aesthetic and hedonic experiences rather emotionally and subjectively - both positive and negative (Bhandari et al., 2019). However, explicit research methods such as surveys and interviews are limited in reliably gathering and analyzing emotional data, e.g., due to social desirability bias or instructor bias (Blair et al., 2020; Ekman, 2009). This leads to uncertainty for UX researchers, marketing managers, entrepreneurs, and designers about which methods to apply for testing the aesthetic and hedonic aspects of their prototypes, products, services, and communication (Law et al., 2014; Tawfik et al., 2022).

To address this need, a toolbox for Digital Empathy (DE) containing six methods for collecting and analyzing implicit, explicit, and behavioral reactions within UX is developed, namely Facial Coding, Eye Tracking, Qualitative Interview, Think Aloud Protocol, Log File Analysis, Survey/Questionnaire. Digital Empathy is understood as an approach to empathizing with users’ feelings and thoughts when interacting with digital technologies and designing user experiences of highly functional, aesthetic, and hedonic quality (Klug & Hahn, 2021). DE is becoming a must-have in marketing practice as UX research moves towards frameworks that incorporate artificial empathy since users expect digital technologies to be tailored to their current cognitive and affective conditions (Liu-Thompkins et al., 2022).

This dissertation project will triangulate methods from the developed DE toolbox within established conceptual frameworks from marketing research to yield insights about the added value of these UX research methods combined to better understand and predict user behavior.



Joint Academic Partnership Economics and Business

Supervisor University of Passau:

Prof. Dr. Dirk Totzek


  • Preismanagement
  • Dienstleistungsmanagement
  • Business-to-Business Marketing

Applications of UX Research Methods in Marketing

Supervisor Nuremberg Institute of Technology:

Prof. Dr. Alexander Hahn




Applications of UX Research Methods in Marketing


Joosten, J., Klug, K., Bilgram, V., und A. Hahn (2024):
Ideation: Die Qualität Menschenund KI-generierter Ideen im Vergleich. Transfer: Zeitschrift für Kommunikation & Markenmanagement, 70(4).

Joosten, J., Hahn, A., Klug, K., Riedmüller, F. und D. Totzek (2024):
Toward a Digital Empathy Framework Evaluating User Experience Research Methods. Marketing Review St. Gallen, (5), 888-894.

Joosten, J., Bilgram, V., Hahn, A., und D. Totzek (2024):
Comparing the Ideation Quality of Humans With Generative Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 1–10.  https://doi.org/10.1109/EMR.2024.3353338

Ahnfeld, T., Hahn, A., Joosten, J., Klug, K., & D. Totzek (2023):
Testing Social Media Advertising Effectiveness with Multi-Method User Experience Research. Marketing Review St. Gallen, (6).

Cosmann, N., Haberkern, J., Hahn, A., Harms, P., Joosten, J., Klug, K. und T. Kollischan (2022):
The value of mood measurement for regulating negative influences of social media usage: A case study of TikTok. In 2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

Vorträge und Präsentationen

Joosten, J., Hahn, A., Totzek, D., & Gaugler, T. (2024):
True Cost Pricing: The Impact of Emotions on Price Perceptions. 10th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster (BSRC) 2024, Augsburg.

Joosten, J., Bilgram, V., Hahn, A., & Totzek, D. (2024):
Comparing the Ideation Quality of Humans With Generative Artificial Intelligence. The 53rd Annual Conference of The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 2024, Bucharest.

Hahn, A., Joosten, J. & L. Stein (2023):
Digital Empathy - Was ist das und welche Potenziale bietet es für Bio-Marketing und Bio-Kaufverhaltenssteuerung?. BIOFACH Kongress, Nürnberg.

Cosmann, N., Haberkern, J., Hahn, A., Harms, P., Joosten, J., Klug, K. und T. Kollischan (2022):
The value of mood measurement for regulating negative influences of social media usage: A case study of TikTok, virtuell.

Auszeichnungen und Preise

Gewinner des Wissenschaftspreises 2021 des Marketingclubs Nürnberg (Masterarbeit).

Jan Joosten

Jan Joosten

Nuremberg Institute of Technology


Get in contact with us. We look forward to receiving your questions and suggestions on the Joint Academic Partnership Economics and Business.

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Gesundheit und BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Economics and Business

Universität Regensburg
Zentrum zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg

Telephone: +49 941 9435548
economics-business.vk [ at ] baywiss.de