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BayWISS-Kolleg Economics and Business www.baywiss.de

Mitgliedshochschule University of the Bundeswehr Munich

© Stephan Ink / Bundeswehr'


The Bundeswehr University Munich was founded in 1973 to provide officers and officer candidates with a sound scientific education. However, it also offers civilian students with the opportunity to pursue studies under certain conditions. There are currently 3,500 students enrolled at the university. Ten faculties offer 17 Bachelor’s and 20 Master’s degree courses. All degrees are state-recognised and equivalent to those of the state universities. A trimester system each consisting of three-monthly lecture periods, enables students to obtain a Bachelor’s degree within three years and a Master’s degree within four years. The range of subjects is consistently adapted to ongoing developments in society, the economy and the university landscape.

The Bundeswehr University Munich is internationally positioned and networked. It maintains university partnerships with over 70 internationally renowned research universities and institutes worldwide. The regional focus is on Europe, the USA and Latin America. The International Office enables students to participate in a number of exchange programmes that are exempt from tuition fees. Approximately eight per cent of the university’s students and visiting researchers are currently from overseas.

The Bundeswehr University Munich affords its scientists broad working and cooperation opportunities in basic and applied research. As a member of numerous research associations and through cooperation with other universities, it is integrated and recognised in the national and international research landscape. The excellent research conditions make it possible to appoint internationally renowned scientists to Neubiberg. This is positively reflected in the topicality and quality of the teaching. Just like every state university, the Bundeswehr University Munich trains early career researchers and leads them to doctoral and post-doctoral qualifications.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eva-Maria Kern

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eva-Maria Kern

The university is a member of the following BayWISS Joint Academic Partnerships:

Mobility and Transport


Economics and Business

Communication & Media



Resource Efficiency and Materials

Infrastructure, Building and Urban Development


Currently 1 professor of University of the Bundeswehr Munich is active members in our Joint Academic Partnership Economics and Business.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kaiser

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kaiser

University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Doctoral Candidates

Currently 2 doctoral candidates of our Joint Academic Partnership Economics and Business are being supervised at University of the Bundeswehr Munich as part of our cooperative model "Verbundpromotion".

Felix Kästner

Felix Kästner

Universität der Bundeswehr München (HAW-Teil)

Theresa Schropp

Theresa Schropp

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt


Zentrale Stellen, Service und Beratung

Academic Life Long Learning

campus advanced studies center (casc)

University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Wir, das campus advanced studies center, sind das universitätsinterne Institut für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung der Universität der Bundeswehr München. Seit 2008 entwickeln wir gemeinsam mit Professorinnen und Professoren unserer Universität und renommierten Kooperationspartnern attraktive Programme, die auf der Basis der aktuellen Forschung eine praxisnahe wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung eröffnen. Damit sind wir neben Forschung und Lehre das dritte Standbein und bilden die Schnittstelle zwischen Bundeswehr, Industrie und Weiterbildung.

Wir bieten akademisch hochwertige und innovative Weiterbildungsprogramme für

_Fach- und Führungskräfte aus Industrie und Wirtschaft
_ausscheidende Zeitoffiziere und -soldaten sowie
_Fach- und Führungskräfte in Behörden auf Bundes-, Landes- und kommunaler Ebene.

Unsere Angebote richten sich gezielt an Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer, die Berufstätigkeit und praxisnahe wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung verknüpfen wollen.

Mit unseren maßgeschneiderten und berufsbegleitenden Programmen können Sie Ihre Qualifikationen gezielt weiterentwickeln und Ihre erworbenen Kompetenzen direkt in den Berufsalltag einfließen lassen.

Contact Person
Dr. Nicol Matzner-Vogel

Telephone: +49 89 60044530

Promotionsberatung für Studierende und Absolventinnen und Absolventen an der University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Contact Person
Matthias Weber

Telephone: +49 89 6004 4578


Universität der Bundeswehr München
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
85577 Neubiberg

Press and Communications


Get in contact with us. We look forward to receiving your questions and suggestions on the Joint Academic Partnership Economics and Business.

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Gesundheit und BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Economics and Business

Universität Regensburg
Zentrum zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg

Telephone: +49 941 9435548
economics-business.vk [ at ] baywiss.de