The Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt combines the benefits of a modest-sized university with internationality and interdisciplinarity. At the same time, the KU offers much more than a purely technical course of study: Here the focus is placed on the development of personality and social competences.
The KU is the smallest university in Bavaria. The studies in Eichstätt and Ingolstadt are characterised by a familiar atmosphere and personal support. Short distances and good facilities round off the excellent study conditions. The campus at KU directly borders on the historic old town at both locations. Everything that students need can be reached on foot in only a few minutes.
Founded in 1980, the KU is a young university, while also looking back on a university tradition dating from 1564. Its offers more than 40 degree courses, many of which in humanities, social sciences, or economics. The KU is the only Catholic university in the German-speaking world. It is not necessary to be Catholic, however: The KU is open to students of all denominations. Here, the “K” factor means keeping people and society as a whole in mind. Interdisciplinary courses make it possible for students to look beyond the boundaries of their subject and assume responsibility for themselves and the world. Social commitment is promoted in a targeted manner.
The Catholic University cooperates with many social, cultural and church institutions as well as companies. Teaching is characterised by a strong practical relevance. Seminars on current issues, lecturers from the world of work, internships integrated into studies and an accompanying programme of career advice provide optimal preparation for the job market.
Internationality is lived and promoted at KU. The university boasts a broad network of more than 260 partner universities. A semester abroad is a key component in many degree programmes, with binational degree courses there is also the opportunity to give the entire course an international focus.


Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien
The university is a member of the following BayWISS Joint Academic Partnerships:
Currently 1 professor of Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is active members in our Joint Academic Partnership Economics and Business.
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kuhn
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Doctoral Candidates
Zentrale Stellen, Service und Beratung
Promotionsberatung für Studierende und Absolventinnen und Absolventen an der Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Ostenstraße 24
85072 Eichstätt
Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Weiterbildung gehört nach Art. 2 Abs. 1 Satz 1 BayHSchG neben Forschung und Lehre zum Grundauftrag der Hochschulen in Bayern - die Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt nimmt diesen Auftrag von ihrem spezifischen Profil her wahr: Prägende Merkmale sind Verantwortungsbildung, Werteorientierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Programmatisch richtet sich das Angebot besonders an Fach- und Führungskräfte im wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und pädagogischen Bereich.
Neben berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiengängen bieten wir ein breites Portfolio an Hochschulzertifikaten und Fachseminaren. Auch maßgeschneiderte Programme für Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Organisation vermitteln wir gerne. Einen Überblick zu den verschiedenen Weiterbildungsangeboten erhalten Sie hier.